How does the Factory map look like?
You may be familiar with the tactics of extracting from the field and may know several eft hacks for better gameplay. But if you do not know the locations of extraction points, it will be of no use. One among the several maps of Tarkov is the Factory map that may seem confusing for some players. The factory map of Escape from Tarkov will be a collection of confined places that may confuse the players on some occasions. There will be only a few extraction points in the field, and so many players cannot occupy the spaces at the time. So, if you know the map accurately, you can succeed in getting out of it without any losses or time-lapse. There will be two exit points that are exclusive to PMC players, while two of them will be available for both PMCs and Scavs. However, the two PMC only exists will be the core of your gameplay in the Factory map. In this article, let us discuss some of the extraction points of the Factory map in brief.
Gate 3
You can find this extraction point on the northwest end of the map. A pile of pipes will be the indication for the door for extraction. It applies to both PMC players and Scavs. You may consider this as the core extraction point in the entire map. You should enter the main door and cross the blue container in there to reach a second door. Inside it, you should stand near the far wall for the extraction process to start. But you should be careful inside the extraction room since there will be some players hiding to easily kill the players who get in. You require nothing to use this extraction point, and it is available all the time.
Gate 0
You can find Gate 0 extraction point at the southern end of the map. The indication factor will be a forklift filled with graffiti. The only requirement to use this extraction point is the factory key. This factory key will find use to open the second door that is locked inside the main door. Since it is an extraction point in the form of rooms, there is a threat of opponents hiding to kill you. Hence, you should be careful like in the case of Gate 3.
It is also an extraction point that asks you to enter a room on the northern end of the Factory map. The exit is available for PMC players. Once you enter through the northern door, there will be a staircase. You can find another room down the stairs through which you can start your walk through the exit.
Scav exits
Apart from the above three methods of extraction, Scavs can use some other two exits in the factory set up. One such exit is through the office window on the third floor, and the other is through the tunnels down the silo pit in the center.